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1.282 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  21. April 2017
crontab dokumentiert
(influx queries)
(crontab dokumentiert)
Zeile 181: Zeile 181:
WHERE time > now() - 3h AND time < now() - 1h  
WHERE time > now() - 3h AND time < now() - 1h  
GROUP BY time(1m), localIP, remoteIP, remoteHostname, hostname fill(none)
GROUP BY time(1m), localIP, remoteIP, remoteHostname, hostname fill(none)
Alles, was in der Crontab mit dem Parsen zu tun hat:
# parsing
# 0,5,10,...
*/5  *  * * *  www-data    /var/www/ /var/ffdata/ >> /var/ffdata/ffdata.log
# 4,9,14,...
4-59/5 *  * * * www-data    /var/www/
59  *  * * *  root        cat /var/ffdata/ffdata.log && rm /var/ffdata/ffdata.log
1    3  * * *  www-data    find /var/ffdata/mv/ -type f -ctime +1 -delete
11  3  * * *  root        /root/
*/15 *  * * *  www-data    /var/www/
8    *  * * *  www-data    /var/www/ > /dev/null
#*    *  * * *  www-data    /var/www/
*    *  * * *  www-data    /var/www/ routermsg
0    8  * * *  www-data    /var/www/ netstate
#58  *  * * *  root        cat /var/ffdata/tweets.log && rm /var/ffdata/tweets.log
# Influx stuff
3    *  * * *  root        /root/ hour > /dev/null 2>&1
13  1  * * *  root        /root/ day > /dev/null 2>&1
27  4  7 * *  freifunk    /home/freifunk/

